Sunday, December 29, 2019

Impact of the Ratification of the 13th Amendment on Commerce

Background Information on the Thirteenth Amendment: The 13th amendment to the United States’ constitution was introduced in order to free the slaves from slavery and make united states a free country by abolishing and prohibiting slavery. This amendment finalized the abolition of slave trade in the United States. The 13th amendment has its origin in the proposition made by Abraham Lincoln to his cabinet in relation to the freeing of all slaves in the rebellious states. It was proposed by the 38th congress of the United States and passed by the senate on 8th April 1864 before being adopted on the 6th of December in 1865 following the announcement of the secretary of state who declared it to have been adopted. President Lincoln made an†¦show more content†¦Cotton which was grown by slaves contributed to more than half of the export earnings of the United States before the abolition of slave trade. Slaves were the best and cheap forms of labor in most of the plantations as it allowed the plantation owners to increase production at lower costs. Slave trade had been an integral part of southern America and the abolition of slave trade through the thirteenth amendment destroyed the foundations of the southern economy because most of the slaves worked in agricultural fields in the south. Following the ratification of the 13th amendment, agricultural output declined which was followed by the subsequent reduction in income. Slave trade was important in agricultural, mining and construction industries as well as factories which were of significant impact to the southern economy (Engerman 192). Since most of the slaves in the southern region moved up the northern region after the abolition of slave trade, this created a huge gap in the workforce of the southern region which strained the southern region. As a result the south printed huge amounts of money which caused inflation and subsequently plunged the region into debt. This region could not recover from the debts because it could not receive any foreign aid. In the aftermath of slave abolition, there was reduced demand for cotton which was a main source of revenue in the south which limited the region’s abilityShow MoreRelatedRace and Supreme Court Decisions Essay1883 Words   |  8 Pagesof Plessey v. Ferguson and Brown v. The Board of Education the Supreme Court invoked judicial review to assess racial segregation policies as they related to the 14th Amendment. Both Plessey and Brown are landmark cases because they reflected the social climate of their respective time periods, because both cases had immediate impact upon civil rights law and everyday life in America, and because both cases affected basic interpretation of the Constitution. In 1896, the case Plessey v. 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