Friday, December 13, 2019

Thomas Paine Common Sense Free Essays

Common Sense is a document written by Thomas Paine who strongly advocates the urgency to have the colonies become an independent nation. He argues, that the nation has to break ties from the evils of Britain, in order to have an established society. On the surface, the document would seem to hold the ideas of freedom and democracy, but upon examining it closer, I believe that it was all propaganda, that was only to benefit a small elite group. We will write a custom essay sample on Thomas Paine Common Sense or any similar topic only for you Order Now Thomas Paine’s argued that under Britain’s rule, no one would ever benefit in society because it was made up of a monarchy. He felt that Britain had been fed enough, and that it should be put to a stop immediately. Neglect on the part of Britain was the only positive and negative aspects, that took place because of the following reasons. A sad and negative outcome because, the colonies were able to fend for themselves while Britain enriched herself while neglecting her people. The positive outcome was that colonies showed independence, by being able to sustain a comfortable lifestyle without Britain’s assistance. Most important, the laws of Britain were no longer able to address the people a new nation had emerged made up of many different backgrounds and religions. Paine continues his arguments by stating to the colonists, to think of why they left in the first place. If all was well back home, why did some many leave if it was all okay. He makes it clear that no one left voluntarily, but for an urgency to better themselves. Of course, we can not forget that some left for religious freedom but most left because, opportunity was available. Also, he felt that the colonies were already exercising their beliefs and ideas, because they exercised their freedom by making new laws and implying them to all. Profit was also another motive, having a free port that would enrich the lives of those who lived in the new independent nation. How to cite Thomas Paine Common Sense, Papers

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